Lowest Price Guarantee
Now buy with confidence that you are getting the best price of the product you are purchasing from www.powersprocket.com. This guarantee excludes closeout sales, refurbished items, used items, going out of business sales, daily or weekly deals, bundled offers, offers that cannot be confirmed via print advertisement, website links or by calling the store, pricing mistakes made either in print or on website, fakes or CERTAIN BRANDS that are not a part of this guarantee either due to them opting out of such promotions, or us not making a part of this program due to the terms and conditions imposed by the brand owners not to offer product below a certain price.
The confirmation and acceptance of the Low Price proof is at sole discretion of Power Sprocket LLC, and cannot be challenged.
We might entertain at our sole discretion a price matching offer of a competing brand, if we at our sole discretion determine the product is very similar and the quality of the product and materials is also very comparable.
How does the Lowest Price Guarantee Work:
1. If you see a price of a product that is more than 5% less than your purchase price you can request a reduction on price of an item that you are buying or have already bought in the last 30 days.
2. Submit the proof of price from the competing store or website to cs@powersprocket.com. The proof should be independently verifiable. For example a link to the product page, scan of print adds with name and date of publication. etc.
3. We will independently verify the price proof submitted by you. If the product qualifies for Low Price Guarantee, and the Price Proof submitted by you verifies in accordance with our rules above, we will issue you the difference in price paid by you and the lowest price being offered as submitted by you, plus 5% or $5 whichever is lower, in form of store credit.
We retain the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time or to cancel or discontinue this promotion / Guarantee at any time without recourse or giving any explanation.
We retain the right to accept proofs of Low Price or reject them at our sole discretion without giving any explanation.